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#Colors #Tools
Colorbox is a color tool to produce color sets.
#Sketch #Productivity #DesignPatternLibraries
When nested symbols came out for the first time way back in Sketch version-whatever-it-was, it was kind of a big deal. At least I thought so: At the time, a couple designers were figuring out ways to…
#AnimaApp #Handoff #Collaboration #Productivity #Sketch
Auto-Layout is a feature in Anima Toolkit for Sketch. It allows designers to make a design responsive, by specifying constraints such as pinning, centering, sizing and even stacking. When we launched…
#UX #UIDesign #Mobile #Intearctions #BestPractices
When it comes to selecting a pattern for the primary mobile navigation, product designers usually choose between two options — side drawer (also known as a hamburger menu) and tab bar. Both…
#UIDesign #UX #AI #ProductDesign
At Google Cloud my job is to reimagine enterprise — the tools we build and how we design them. Traditional enterprise products don’t reflect how people work — our pain points, our tasks across the…
#CSS #Animations #Productivity #HTML #UIDesign #UX #Prototyping
Animista is a place where you can play with a collection of ready to use CSS animations, tweak them and download only those you will actually use.
#PWAs #MobileDev #iOS #Android #UX #Apps
With iOS 11.3, Apple has silently added support for the basic set of new technologies behind the idea of “Progressive Web Apps” (PWAs). It’s time to see how they work, what are their abilities and…
#Principle #Releases #Prototyping #Tools
Finally here!
#AR #Prototyping #Tools
Prototype interactive AR experiences in minutes - without code. Then share them with the world.
#Prototyping #AI #UX
Prototyping AI experiences Thank you for attending the presentation and AI workshop!
About Chris Butler
I help teams understand the real business problems they should solve with AI-centered solutions. The teams we work with are generally asked to “do something interesting” with the data they have. We help them avoid local maxima through happenstance correlations and focus on solving huge business problems. My background includes over 18 years of product and business development experience at companies like Microsoft, KAYAK, and Waze. At Philosophie, I have created techniques like Empathy Mapping for the Machine and Confusion Mapping to create cross-team alignment while building AI products. If you want to learn more or get in touch via email, LinkedIn, or visit http://philosophie.is/human-centered-ai.
#JS #Libraries #JQuery #Productivity #Mobile
jQuery UI Touch Punch is a small hack that enables the use of touch events on mobile devices with the jQuery UI user interface library.
#Collaboration #Productivity
#SVGs #Animations #Sketch
This tutorial walks you through the process of creating an animated neon light SVG, as seen on ruhrjs.de. Using Sketch, Texteditor and CSS keyframe animations.
#Atomic #Prototyping #Advanced #Tutorial
Create a search input field that dynamically displays results based on a data source
#Prototyping #Voice #Framer
New APIs allow designers to prototype speech-based conversational UIs like Google Now, Apple’s Siri, and Amazon Alexa.
#Typography #Courses #UIDesign
Better Web Type is an easy-to-follow web typography course for web designers & web developers.
#Atomic #Prototyping #JS
Make a dynamic shopping cart prototype using components, data and JavaScript
#Abstract #Handoff #Sketch #Collaboration
#UX #UIDesign #Animations #BestPractices
Ever wondered why when you call up a utility company and you are put on hold, they play music? Consider how you would feel if there was no music, just dead silence. CNN ran a survey that showed 70…
#Sketch #Productivity #Tips
We all know and love Sketch. Its ease of use, simple interface and features make it one of the most used design software. We'll look at 7 cool yet hidden features of Sketch.
#Vue #JS
Vue.js - The Progressive JavaScript Framework
#Sketch #Plugins #AnimaApp #Animations
We’ve seen some amazing interactive components made using the Timeline plugin. During that period, we’ve reached out to designers that have been using Timeline and asked for their feedback. One of…