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Robbie Izar @rizar

in New York, NY

Available Freelance or Fulltime robbieizar.com
I mentor nice people

I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. But if you’re looking for a myopic and self-aggrandizing creative, you’re in the wrong place. What I do have is a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you – if you happen to be the person in charge of replenishing breakfast buffets. But if you hire me, I will find you. But please send me your address…my ex changed her Wi-Fi password and I’m out of data.


TJX, Liberty Mutual Insurance, Dick's Sporting Goods, Lucky Charms, Progresso, Fiber One, Duracell, Walmart, Tide, lenovo, Ariel, Lincoln Motor Company, RadioShack, Hewlett Packard, 7-11, call of duty, Mountain Dew, Texas Lottery, Toyota, Iams, Eukanuba, Miller Lite, Universal Music Group, Tecate, AMP Energy Drinks, Ford Mustang, Ford F-150, Scotts Miracle-Gro, Brine, Warrior Sports, Go-Gurt


Anthemic spots, brand spots, concepts, digital, traditional, 360º, social, copywriting, creative direction, interactive, integrated, & bacon consumption


I English professionally, but hablo the elementary Italian whilst summering in Cinque Terre. #yachtlife #justkiddingabouttheyacht

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